19th Dec ’18 – The babies just kept coming

Osaka day 8 @wcmtuk Another day, another 500g delivery! It seems all the ELBW (Extremely low birth weight) babies are arriving whilst I’m here to learn. Incredible team, so giving of their time to support my project. Typically this unit might have 30-40 babies of this age and size per year; this makes 3 just this week. An unanticipated opportunity to witness 1st hand the care and methods I’ve heard and read so much about.

Attempts to improve our ability to predict and prevent IVH in #ELBW at 23 weeks – are doppler waveforms on cranial ultrasound an important addition? Meticulous calculations and attention poured over fluid balance and haemodynamics too. 8 hourly echocardiography and CrUSS for the early days.. Innovative approaches combined with great attention to the basics.

Also meeting some of the long term residents on the NICU today; 3 months… 10 months…(!) discharge planning complexities for challenging growth and tracheostomies are common across the globe #ELBW

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